Hi there everyone,
My name is Sara, mother of 3 and wifey, been a vegetarian and now vegan. I love being crafty and making wreaths with natural materials, I enjoy reading, watching films, enjoy making food and being in my garden planting and growing plants. I love yoga, going for walks with friends for exercise, I love meditation too.
I’m a empath, I really care for our earth and those living on it, worked for charities before raising money to help others.
“Live, Laugh and love”.
“If you can be anything just be kind”.
“The storm will pass and a rainbow will outshine the storm”.
Just quotes I live by
I’m a free spirit vegan, happiest when in nature, happiest when doing my bit to help climate change, happy even more when with the ones I love. I may seem happy and positive but I have bad days like any human, on those days I remember my blessings, the beautiful ones that money can’t buy, when I’m sad I like peace and quiet to reflect and meditation if needed.
Just hope “you” reading this is having a Beautiful blessed day and hope you find light in the darkest times, always look for the stars, even the smallest wins are your biggest.
Just remember keep being who you are, size doesn’t matter, skin colour doesn’t matter we’re all pretty much got the same blood and organs so no judgement from me.
Thank you for reading this and sending love, peace and positive energy your way.