Finished my 3 focus fragrances…#2 was my favorite
What was the fragrance like ? Did you find it helped ?
I found it to be light and airy and not too sweet. Definitely a scent profile that I usually enjoy so it was very calming.
I sprayed through the program a week ahead of our US Pioneers are n the first world trial and I have to say I found two of the formulations amazing @Aaron … I used it like a pick me up between zooms and I found j actually went less to the Nespresso machine … we got a few hundred S4 functional fragrance packs left and been discussing it with the team that after we cycle through valeriana and passiflora on the S3 sofi build that we may circulate to Pioneers that haven’t had s chance to try the focus program the remaining sets
That sounds great @kaveh , I do love the a Nespresso machine though