Fragrances close to bedtime?

I am loving my fragrances, just a quick question, as they are for focus should I not spray them in the evenings or close to bedtime? Will they affect sleep?
Thanks x


Similar to our plants, the pathways of “focus” might result in different experiences for different people. If you do find that they are energising you and/or keeping you awake at night, definitely feel free to skip spraying in the evening.

To our knowledge, however, and based on our initial study with focus - we did not find this to be the case.

I hope that helps! If you do make any inadvertent discoveries (like better mood, or sleep) we would absolutely love to know!


Thank you @alexwalkerjones I will keep you updated. I am loving the smell and it has come at a very stressful time with my family visiting! I do think it is helping me be less stressed. Thank you Sofi :heart: