I found today to be one of those days where I can refocus… The thing about me is that sometimes I focus to much on trying to always know what the answer is but other times I can’t seem to stay focused enough to search. My concentration seems aloof sometimes… However, we have those that remind us if we actually stop and listen, without focusing so much on ourselves and remember that there are others that are serving just as I am. I always say that we shouldn’t forget where we came from or the people before us, but just as there are bad things I can’t see attacking me, today I was reminded ina wonderful and heartfelt way that there are also good things I can’t see helping me get to where I am going. Thank you to those who read this… Thank you for being patient with me. Thank you for not judging me. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you that the hope you have in me comes from the service you give through praise and worship to the Glory of Our Father… Amen
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Haven’t quite got it all figured out myself but your on the right place brother I can feel and relate to it post man keep on trucking