As we prepare for the start of the S2 program, we are making some improvements in the way that sofi captures pioneer journeys and specifically recognises signals of effect from individual pioneers. sofi was amazing at observing two things - both that valerian has a general impact in improving sleep across a community, but more specifically that the general improvement was not a predictor of how well any one pioneer would respond to the plant. In fact, we can now say that across our community no two pioneers had the same sleep patterns and responses to valerian which has been really amazing to see.
Now we took these individual discoveries and we shared them with a handful of pioneers for whom sofi observed a significant response, and we asked each Pioneer to give sofi a score out of 10 for each observation she made. For example, for pioneer “se” sofi observed:
01 | significant sleep pattern occurring every 1, 2 and 7 nights
02 | sleep quality most impacted by valerian use 2 nights prior (V-2)
03 | spraying Valerian improved sleep quality by 140% with 99.9% certainty
The first observation was about the fact that a strong predictor of how well pioneer “se” would sleep tonight is how well they slept last night and the night before. sofi also observed a sort of week effect (for example every Friday night or Sunday night a repetitive week effect). This was the natural state of things for the pioneer. sofi also observed a very strong improvement with valerian on a 2 day lag.
When we posed this to pioneer “se” the response was a score of 10 on observation 2 and 3 with the comment, “Hi the first observation I don’t ready understand what is meant by it. The second and third definitely I give a score off 10. Now on my refill I only need three sprays to sleep like a baby ”
The blended average score across all feedback so far from pioneers on sofi’s observation from the S1 Pioneer Program is 8.7 out of 10.0 - which is a pretty good signal that sofi has started on a strong footing. … but we can always do better.
You will recall that we recently wrote to all participating pioneers and asked if there was a third question that would really help sofi understand your sleep (remember the first two being how many hours you slept last night and how you felt about it), what would it be? We have now looked across all the responses and have landed on the following additional question to ask (and I hope this makes sense as always we are guided by our awesome pioneers on these really big calls). The new additional question which will become a standard as part of sleep journalling is, “… and how solid or broken was your sleep?” with the two extremes being “broken” and “solid”. We are hoping that by asking this third question sofi has yet another opportunity to improve her observation on the effect of plants on our sleep. And here’s a preview of how the new sequence will work for the S2 Pioneer Program and beyond.
We will continue to evaluate how sofi improves the quality of her observations with S2 and ask for your help again to give our sofi a score. It goes without saying that we continue to be so extremely grateful for all the feedback in helping us develop and tune our incredible sofi to make better and more confident observations, and ultimately aid all of us in our individual searches for better calm and sleep.
Wishing all a wonderful break here in the UK.
ps As we are about 30 days from the start of the S2 Program we have started to ask all of our amazing pioneers to restart their daily journalling so we can begin to establish strong baselines against which to measure your response to Passiflora!