And the winning flavour of ashwagandha is...

For those of you who took part in our third Pioneer Study with ashwagandha: the flavour results are in!

The official winner of our 3 ashwagandha flavours is… drum roll please…

n.01 - caramel! :honey_pot: :yellow_heart:

Caramel was voted for the most times as the most acceptable flavour out of our three plant capsule formulations, and received the fewest number of votes for being the least acceptable flavour!

Nude (similarly to our other formulations) came in last place, being both the least-loved and the moved-unloved flavour of the three. Poor plain and earthy ashwagandha!! :sweat_smile:

It’s safe to say that our taste experience is truly unique. Just check out the range of words we used to describe them all throughout the course of S3!

Thanks to your direct feedback, we will be activating caramel for ashwagandha on subscription as the chosen flavour, by and for sofi Pioneers, and are so excited to be moving forward with increasing production of this power plant.
