FAQs: on sofi (general)

13. what is “N-of-1”?

“N-of-1”, or single subject analysis, considers an individual as the sole unit of observation in a study, rather than averaging over a group of people. The ultimate goal of an N-of-1 trial is to determine the optimal or best intervention for a specific individual using the experience of that specific individual.

Typically, when a product in human health is created, it is made for the herd. It’s not specifically for any one of us. One hundred people are put in a study group and another hundred in a control group. One group is given the product, and the other placebo to see what happens. The goal is to find a product that works for some people, most of the time. What sofi does differently is that we break that single study of 100 people into 100 studies of a single person. Our sample size is at the “N-of-1” level – making the most crucial element of sofi: you!

You can find a full-length interview with our in-house health psychologist and N-of-1 expert here to learn more about the benefits of N-of-1.