Welcome to our frequently asked questions doc on all things related to the sofi.health app.
Use the links below to navigate, and let us know if there are any questions not yet answered below that you think we should add! To view the full list of related FAQ topics, click here.
on app
what is the purpose of daily journaling?
can I edit a previous journal entry?
how do I edit my in-app notifications settings?
how do the mood bubbles work?
how do I connect my sofi pod?
how will the data from my sofi app be used?
how can I report a bug with the app?
1. what is the purpose of daily journaling?
By journaling each day in the app, sofi will begin to learn intelligently from your routine. The more you teach sofi about you - the more accurately your unique response to each of the plant can be mapped.
The key is to establish a daily journaling routine within the app and to try to stick to it as closely as you can. We recommend journaling as part of your morning ritual, and more frequently, if you like.
Once your Starter Pack (containing your sofi pod and plant formulations) has arrived, sofi will compare how you journal while taking the plant, to how you journaled before, updating her insights on your unique experience with every formulation press.
It takes roughly 10 days of spraying and journaling in order for sofi to begin generating your results.
The more sofi can learn about you before your journey with each plant begins, the more confident in her discoveries she’ll be! To give sofi the best opportunity to understand your current sleep and mood, begin by downloading your sofi app and completing your journal for today:
Download the sofi app for Android
Download the sofi app for iOS
PS: It turns out that journaling has benefits all on its own, too! Learn more about the role of journaling as an overall wellness tool on the sofi.health blog by clicking here.
2. can I edit a previous journal entry?
Unfortunately there is no way to edit or add previous journal entries for your sofi app.
The good news is that sofi is designed to understand your sleep and mood over a long period of time, so missing an occasional journal should not drastically impact your results! For help to enable journaling reminders via the sofi app, please see here.
3. how do I edit my in-app notifications settings?
Journalling and spraying notifications are automatically enabled for all Pioneers. You can alter your notification settings anytime by going to profile (
) → notification settings (
) → and opting to toggle journaling and/or spraying notifications on or off.
You may find that you prefer one over the other (for example if you are more prone to forgetting to journal versus forgetting to spray - or vice versa). Our notification sending schedule is below for those interested in the logic we are using.
Feedback always welcomed as these notifications are there to serve you!
Before any formulations are in use:
- Journal notification 9:30 AM, if you haven’t already journaled that morning
Once a formulation is recognised by the sofi pod:
- Journal notification 9:30 AM, if you haven’t already journaled that morning
- Journal notification 8:00 PM, if you haven’t already journaled that evening
- Spray notification at 10pm if you haven’t sprayed throughout the evening
4. how do the mood bubbles work?
With sofi mood bubbles, you can capture exactly how you feel and provide sofi with insights on your mood. Simply arrange the bubbles on the screen to reflect your emotions, and pop any bubbles that do not represent your current mood. Feel free to play around with bubble size, and most importantly have fun!
Quick operating manual:
- pinch - to change the size
- tap - to adjust the emotion
- double tap - to pop the bubble
- long press - to add a missing bubble
- drag - to move bubbles around
Use these interactions to get the bubbles to your desired state, so that your final screen reflects the way you feel.
5. how do I connect my sofi pod?
To activate your device, begin by charging your sofi pod using a standard USB-C cable for approximately 60 minutes. There is a red light to indicate that your pod is charging, when the light goes out it means your smart pod is fully charged.
Before pairing your pod, ensure that both bluetooth and location services are turned on. This is because, every time that the sofi pod is used, in order to journal and capture a spray, it needs to be paired with the app - live. Keeping bluetooth on means that, once paired, it is unlikely for your smartphone to drop the Bluetooth bridge between the sofi app and sofi smart pod.
Next, select the “pair my pod” button on the home screen of your sofi app, and tap the sofi moon to scan (this may take up to 30 seconds). Once your smart pod is recognised, select it to confirm.
Now that your sofi pod is paired, you can insert your first formulation, and it will appear on your home screen, alongside your spray count, balance of sofi seeds, and battery life.
Should you have any questions or prefer direct support from a member of the sofi team, message us anytime by tapping the sofi moon in the top left corner of your app (
6. how will the data from my sofi app be used?
For a complete list of all data generated and analysed during our Pioneer Program, please visit sofi.health/privacy-policy.
sofi generates and captures journal, capsule use, and user and survey data to enable statistical analysis and make meaningful discoveries for you.
We anonymise all data we collect. This means we replace any identifiable information in the dataset with one or more artificial identifiers or pseudonyms, and we store the additional information needed for linking the pseudonymised data to you, separately and securely.
We won’t use your personally identifiable data to target ads to you nor will we ever sell it.
7. how can I report a bug with the app?
App improvement is a continuous process, and one that will always be based on your feedback as a sofi Pioneer. There will likely be many more features that we will release over the coming months and years, so when you suspect something is off (e.g. a button appears to be stuck or blocked on your app screen) or you have a suggestion for a feature - please let us know using the guide below!
We’ll always do our best to address every comment.
Bug reporting
If you happen to find a bug in the app, or the website, it would be enormously helpful for us to know the following:
- Reproduction steps: In other words, what steps do we need to take to see the same thing happen?
- Screenshots: Any screenshots you can provide will really help tell the story.
- Videos: Sometimes it’s even better if you create a little video to show exactly what’s going on.
- Phone make/model and software version: For app based bugs, this is probably the most important information for us. There are so many makes and models out there that it really helps narrow down the issue if we know which users are affected.
- Website bugs: If you could let us know which browser you are using (as well as the version), that again really helps us narrow down the problem.
Of course, if you need any help with the above, please do not hesitate to reach out and we’ll be more than happy to jump in and help out where we can.
To contact us with an issue, you can tag a member of our team in the sofi treehouse (@Kirill or @alexwalkerjones), or reach us directly via the sofi app by tapping the sofi moon in the top left corner of your screen.
Thank you for your troubleshooting support in advance!
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