Kicked off my journal

Everytime i get to the bubbles it keeps kicking me out


Hi @Longlegs61, to ensure you are definitely on the latest version of the app, could you please try logging out and logging back in? Tagging @Kirill here just in case, but I believe bubbles issues (at least those we are currently aware of) have been resolved with the last over-air update we pushed :slight_smile:


Its still kicking me out x

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I had to uninstall then reinstall the app which sorted the problem out you might want to try this

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I just did it and its still kicking me of x


Evening @Longlegs61 … can you confirm which device and how old is it (and if you managed to updated your firmware). I had an amazing call with the dev team this afternoon and we found out that just over 98 percent of installed pioneers have a device and operating system that we feel we can support but we do see some older legacy devices with older firmware that will struggle with our bubbles … we have a longer term idea of creating a lower res version of the bubbles experience but this will take time to roll out and prioritised after critical features being validated … appreciate all your patience with us in the meantime Nina :pray: