Return pod

Hello, I think I’d like to returnmy pod for refund. I dont know how much the pods are. Can you advise please


Hi @Katzwoman, absolutely! I can see that you are participating in our Pioneer ‘Discovery’ Program.

For return shipment of your sofi pod (and any empty capsules you may have), please mail to the following address with your name, address, and sofi account email enclosed:

sofi c/o COPEA
25 Compass West Spindus Road,
Speke Hall Industrial Estate,
Liverpool, L24 1YA,
England, UK

As soon as that’s received we’ll be able to initiate your pod refund.

Kindest regards,


Hi @alexwalkerjones , I returned my sofi pod and capsules in the original packaging with the return label provided. My name and address were on the original packaging but I didn’t realise until reading this post, that I should have included my sofi account and email. Does that mean I won’t receive my deposit? Hope you can look into this for me please. Thanks, Pauline. :blush:

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I have done exactly the same and only posted this morning. Name and address but not an account number or email address

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I received my deposit as soon as the package was delivered to Sofi, you shouldn’t have any problems with receiving yours :crossed_fingers:t2::smiling_face: