Yay, I’m so happy to have my Sofi gift. I’m storing it with my crystals and candles to add to my “specials”.
Thank you for sending it to me
Yay ! Happy you’ve received it , @alexwalkerjones another surprise has found its way to its new home
Loving the crystals and thank you for the image! Your S1 Pioneer Box is officially reserved
Confirmation email should be with you very soon x
Karen this is amazing and thank you so much for being part of this journey with us. Cant wait to get you an S1 box very soon! Wishing you a wonderful evening and so grateful for your time.
Ohh so excited I hope I receive my surprise and get to be on the s1 journey what I’d give for a good night sleep ohh be amazing I feel like a kid on Christmas waiting for my sofi surprise
Still no sofi gift
still waiting though i would havebit today
maybe tomorrow
Just copying in @alexwalkerjones and @bee here @sabrinahun so we look into this right away for you. Perhaps you can double confirm your address directly with @alexwalkerjones at alex@sofi.health to make sure we have the right details. But we will make sure your sofi surprise gets to you!
Thrilled to see and receive @collinsandrea949! Your Pioneer Pack is officially reserved
Keep an eye out for a confirmation email arriving soon!
Thank you Alex!
Hi Alex,
After receiving the stones in the mail. I havent received the sleep product yet.
Thank you,
Hi @collinsandrea949, thanks for messaging
I can confirm that your S3 Pioneer Pack is reserved and so there’s nothing left to do except keep up the excellent journaling work as we wait for the S3 to launch!
*Please note that we will be launching the S3 in two separate waves, one at the end of Feb/beginning of March, and a second in the spring when we will have seen the initial results of ashwagandha from the first wave of 500 plant pioneers.
To ensure your best chances of being included in the first wave, make sure to continue active journaling in the lead up to the S3, thus giving sofi the best chance of generating results!
I’m here if you have any questions, and I have no doubt you’ll make the cut!