S2 Pioneer Pack Audit - Have you received yours yet?

Dear Pioneers,

Due to oversubscription of interest in sofi, we tried to do something entirely foolish that, to our knowledge, no company has successfully done. We tried to squeeze the most out of our formulations, getting them into the highest number of Pioneer hands possible in an effort to provide better sleep and calm to a community we know is in need.

Across the hundreds of Pioneer Packs and dozens of countries, we have picked ourselves a logistics pickle!

Where we are at now is that we are sorting through each delivery one by one to confirm:

  • a) receipt of product
  • b) receipt of the correct product.

This is because we are currently supplying two different types of formulation bottles (1st gen and 2nd gen), to two different types of Pioneers: those who are receiving a Pioneer Pack/sofi stick for the first time, and those who are receiving a Refill Pack containing only plant pod formulations.

What we would now like to do is to effectively run an audit to ensure that each Pioneer has received the right thing. Of course, if you have yet to receive a Pioneer Pack and have not already reached out - please let us know.

Good news: we have additional spares to rectify any errors, however it relies on each Pioneer now to help us as much as they can by confirming what it is that they have received by answering the following questions.

  1. Have you received a Starter Pack or Refill Pack?
  2. Do the caps of your plant pods coincide with the Pioneer Pack you received? Starter Packs should contain 2nd generation plant pods, and Refill Packs should contain 1st generation.
  3. Are you having any difficulties with pairing and/or counting sprays and/or activation in general? Please detail any issues and we will be here to support.

Here’s how to identify what you have received:

Pioneer Starter Pack:

Pioneer Refill Pack:

1st generation plant pod caps:

2nd generation plant pod caps:

We know exactly who is supposed to have received what, but we now need to validate exactly what you have received as the correct parts. We have spares at the lab and are ready to make any corrections as soon as you can help identify them.

And as it goes without saying throughout this process, in Pioneers and plants we trust.

Alex x



  1. Have you received a Starter Pack or Refill Pack?
    I received the starter pack

  2. Do the caps of your plant pods coincide with the Pioneer Pack you received? Starter Packs should contain 2nd generation plant pods, and Refill Packs should contain 1st generation.
    I got 2nd gen pods

  3. Are you having any difficulties with pairing and/or counting sprays and/or activation in general? Please detail any issues and we will be here to support.
    No issues with my spraying , pairing etc so far :grin::heart:


Hi @alexwalkerjones believe I have received starter pack (S2) with 2nd gen pods. Currently no issues with logging of sprays or any other problems.
Regards Colin.



Hi I haven’t received anything yet but as I explained to Alex if it’s been sent to my previous address the new occupants, who are friends of ours, then they are sending it on. I was hoping it would have come before I moved but because of the postal strike I think it’s been delayed. That’s if it has been sent out before the middle of August. Can’t wait to receive my new product asmy sleep’s been quite erratic lately.
Thank for your continued support and hard work it’s really appreciated :purple_heart:


Hi Alex I received S2 complete nothing missing perfect for me


I have received nothing yet. Still awaiting my starter pack. Please hurry sofi pack! :wink:


I haven’t had anything yet, not even my surprise :disappointed:


I have the refill,s and 1st generation plant pod cap,


I still haven’t received anything yet :smiling_face_with_tear:



  1. Have you received a Starter Pack or Refill Pack?
  • received my refill pack
  1. Do the caps of your plant pods coincide with the Pioneer Pack you received? Starter Packs should contain 2nd generation plant pods, and Refill Packs should contain 1st generation.
  • everything seems spot on for 2nd Gen
  1. Are you having any difficulties with pairing and/or counting sprays and/or activation in general? Please detail any issues and we will be here to support.
  • I’ve still got the first spray so not the updated. Having issues pairing and having to log out and in to try and log sprays.

But I’m happy :smiley:


Hi @louparker13 @alexwalkerjones will probably be able to check your status re sofi spray/pods. Stay with the program it’s well worth it.
Good luck


Refill and will have to check the pod when I get home.


Hi @chris.king5 - brilliant to hear! just to confirm you have 2nd gen plant pods to match your S2 Starter Pack (with stick)?


Hi @mozza.stan77 - thanks so much! Just to clarify, when you say you still have the first spray, are you referring to your original S1 sofi stick?

Pairing 2nd gen pods with your original sofi stick may be the source of some of the connection/pairing issues - so we will work on getting this resolved as soon as we can! Thanks again


Hi @Katherine, thanks for messaging! I can confirm we have your surprise almost ready to go (labelled and all) - we’re just waiting on a quick resupply from the lab so the next wave can go out.

There’s no time-crunch as we have hundreds of Pioneer Packs to be reserved, so rest assured, we will get you space in the S3! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sparkles:


Thank you! Noted for all and truly grateful for your help :pray: :pray: @Aaron @kteach99 @louparker13 @CjaJose @Eevie @malone.shelley


@alexwalkerjones. Hope this helps.


Amazing @mozza.stan77! And could I ask you for a photo of the top of your plant pod formulations just when you get a chance too?

There are small magnets in the top of the plant pod caps that determine which pod is recognised by the app, and hence (if the wrong generation) may be causing some problems.


Hello Alex, dont know if I need to clarify anything as i am waiting for s3 lol ive had my sofi surprise and you did say if there were any spares i may be able to have an s2. I just cannot wait to start this trial fully and im excited about the possible great sleep i might get as i am so depressed and down atm and my brain and body are really struggling with the lack of sleep, i have had sleeping issues for as long as i can remember. My mental health is really suffering and I dont go out the house very often, i havent been out for over 4 weeks! Bad i know! So grateful for my fiance and also to your team and all the pioneers in the treehouse for your continued support.