So sorry to post this but i have been waiting for my pod for a while now and i am so so excited to use it. Can you tell me the time frame of when i will receive it. I know my name is on the list for the next batch but unsure of when this will be thanks in advance xxx
Hi, can i refer you to read the post by alex walkerjones pinned right at the top of this treehouse, about sofi going forward?
They have been inundated with new pioneers at a time when they have no option but to start offering their product on subscription, after almost 2 years of free trials and research before then.
This is all explained in that top pinned topic and it states that no pioneer will be forgotten but that the wait will have to be until the end of the year.
Hi @Natzvw - thank you for your message!
I can see that your have a good amount of journals and your Pioneer Pack is reserved with us, amazing work! We are truly grateful for your patience with journaling and using sofi.
Our ETA for the shipment of next Pioneer Pack line is winter; plant featured will be super strength Chamomile! We understand that the wait time can be quite frustrating and we are always trying our best to deliver Pioneer Packs as soon as possible
Just as @drmudlark mentioned, we have announced changes to our Pioneer program (which will not affect the shipment of your Pioneer Pack) as well as the introduction of our pre-order subscription. You can find more information here: Changes to our Pioneer Studies moving forward - #66 by drmudlark
If you have any more questions, please, let me know!