Delivery of free pod

How long does it take to receive the pod? Where can i buy one?


Hi there , welcome to the community , first of all you need to make sure you do your journalling, after your ten day mark you will be sent out your sofi suprise ( to confirm address ) and then you will be put onto the next Trial , there can be a bit of a wait but no pioneer is ever left behind :heart: happy journalling and may a good night rest be with you soon :slight_smile:


They are not ready for commercial sale yet; as a pioneer you will get a free pod and sprays once they are reserved for you and when the next batch has been made and is ready to go out.
You havent said if you have received your sofi surprise (pebble) yet, which serves to check that the pack with pod and sprays will reach you at your address.
Since you haven’t mentioned what stage you are at perhaps you could look at the steps under the compass icon at the bottom of the first page of the app. That should show you where you are and you can see if there are any further steps you need to do to be registered to receive the next trial batch of sprays.
The next trial is for Chamomile and is due to be ready in September, all going to plan. [a lot of work has to be done to harvest the plant, produce the extract, add flavours to improve taste, bottle it and hand pack the pod and spray capsules for distribution.] :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Aaron, sorry, i was writing a reply and then saw you had posted one while i was doing that!


Thanks ive just confirmed my address for my pebble. I am excited to receive my delivery


Great minds think alike!


Have not yet receuved my pack


Hi I have still not received any delivery of anything. Alsi ive lost the app one my phine due to a change of phine to record in my journal…HELP!


Hi @Anna50,

Thanks for your message, and so sorry to hear that your starter pack is MIA, having shipped on Nov 23rd, we are currently investigating where it may be, and will get another one on it’s way to you as soon as we know more :pray:

As a small side note, I couldn’t find record of a sofi account attached to the email that you are using for your treehouse account.

In order to receive your hard earned sofi seeds for your interactions here, we recommend updating your treehouse email so that it matches your sofi account. Please let me know if that makes sense and here to assist anytime :star2: :blue_heart:


My email is the same on Both.
Thank you for looking in ti this for me. Can not wait to get started


Hi @Anna50, thanks so much for getting back to me. :blush:

What are the changes I received an email from another Anna at the exact same time, and that explains my confusion! We do not have a subscription plan under your name/email and therefore your Starter Pack would not have been shipped on the 23rd Nov.

Rather, you should have received an email from us on November 3rd detailing how to receive your free Pioneer Pack. It doesn’t look like that email was ever opened on our end, so I’ve gone ahead and re-sent it to you now (occasionally, emails can get lost in junk or spam :cry:)

If you would still like to participate, we do have some remaining Pioneer packs. We would simply ask that you begin journaling daily and establishing your baseline to receive one!

Please let me know and I’ll send an email with some additional information for you :sofi_moon: :pray:

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Yes I would still like to take part as I have been waiting months now x
Many Thanks


Could.i have the details to send the deposit etc


Absolutely @Anna50 - we’d be thrilled for you to participate!

I’ve just sent over that email to you now, please let me know that it works! We aim to ship our starter packs as soon as possible, but there may be delays due to the holidays. You’ll be sure to receive an email from us once it leaves our fulfilment centre, as well as a tracking email from the courier itself :blush: :pray:

Here should you have any questions and wishing you the best of luck with each of the plants xx


All done, thank you x


I have written a topic earluer this evening regarding a non delivery of my sofi. I have footage of fed ex pulling up not delivering my sofi and just driving away. What can i do?

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I was due my delivery from fed ex today 28.12.23 the driver did arrive, however I have video footage of him going to the back of his van getting my parcel out. Then getting back in his van and driving off stating it had been delivered. I have made a complaint to fed ex. How can I get another delivery as I am still without my sofi?

Many thanks
Anna Shaw


Hi @Anna50 - Oh no! That is super super uncool of them, and unfortunately it seems to be a more common occurrence this time of year :tired_face: :face_with_diagonal_mouth: I’m so sorry that this happened, but great quick thinking to have it on camera.

I will touch base with @bee and see whether we can reach out to FedEx to help get this solved from our side. If you could please continue to press FedEx for any answers / whereabouts of your package, that would be a huge help.

As for the proof of failed delivery, could you be so kind to email it to me at We will get this over to FedEx to answer for also. x

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Have you had any communication with fed ex? Or any resolution?

Kind Regards
Anna Shaw

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Hi @Anna50,

Thanks for following up on this. No resolution as of yet from Fed-Ex. I don’t suppose they’ve said anything on your end as far as tracking down your missing / undelivered Pioneer Pack? If not, please let me know and we’ll work to get another one on its way to you ASAP.

Thanks again!