Which Pioneer Pack

Is there any way to know which pioneer program we will be in?
Is it currently on S3?
I look forward to trying a pod
My main issue is with family stressors weighing heavily on me along with a mind which won’t shut off
Thank you


Hi @kathrynruthcollins,

Thanks for asking! I’m so sorry to hear about family stressors at the moment, and hope we can get you some relief soon.

I can confirm that your Pioneer Pack is officially reserved and will be shipped following our next production wave.

Our production time varies, however we are quickly improving our ability to speed production up (think weeks away not months!), and already the wait time between launching new plants/program has significantly reduced from where we started :blush:

In addition to new plants, we plan to send out refills of previous waves, so you’ll likely get a chance to try previous waves over time too! :hibiscus: :seedling:

More information on this coming soon and here anytime should you have any questions!

This is good news! :blush:
Thanks for the update! :+1:t3:

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