Any tips for noise sensitivity?

So I’ve never been a great sleeper, I’ve always struggled to get to sleep but I would mostly sleep well and pretty deeply once I finally got there, however, since getting covid I struggle to get to sleep AND to stay asleep, if I do manage to get to sleep I’ll get woken up by my partner breathing… Currently I end up sleeping on the sofa most nights but my back is not happy :grimacing:

Any fellow insomniacs have any tips? I fall asleep to an audiobook on my headphones which fades out after a while, apparently that sound is fine :woman_shrugging:


Im the same, i struggle to sleep and stay asleep. I bought a white noise machine, which helps my mind focus, it helps block out background noise, for me this is barking dogs and tinnitus. It makes falling to sleep a bit easier, i still wake a few times.