Ashwaganda no.2 not my favourite taste

Started with the Ashwaganda no.2 nit crazy about the taste, but then that’s what I said about the valerian , and I got used to that. Hoping it’s the same with this one, mind you it’s more about the effect than the taste . Will need a few days for that to kick in. Thanks Sofi team for the massive efforts you have put into the development of this ynique product.


I finished my second bottle already (cause I began a little earlier) and I got totally used to it @Eevie … let’s see! :pray:

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Hoping I get used to it quickly. :smile:


I tell you after valerian I’m good with everything Yvonne … and actually I got used to valerian by the end (and did it knock me out) … half of the sofi team became utterly useless and had to stop taking it (@vincent :slightly_smiling_face:


I must admit valerian worked better for me and yes, the taste got better. Heres hoping the same is true of Ashwaganda.

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