The cardamom one. I think not too bad. It even reminds me (well a little) of my favourite Border dark chocolate covered ginger biscuits.
Same Family as Ginger.
Might have to treat myself to a pack of those biscuits to disguise the taste of the sprays but they are so good i find it hard to leave them alone and there are only 9 in a packet. I need an automatic feeder that only lets one out a day!
Lol I love how different we all are, I love ginger border biscuits but am finding the no3 spray really really foul but that said, I might go get some of those same biscuits to eat after and soften the taste, I can see the flavour connection and how it might cover it well
This is brilliant @Calluna@drmudlark … the other bit to jot who’s interesting taste is over time … I’ve experience in my case my rate buds respond differently to something I can taste good at first bite but can’t eat too much of versus something I mmmm that evolves over time … so interesting to see how your initial response evolve as you continue on the journey … wishing both a restful and restorative Saturday
No 1 is my last spray to try so about a week to go before i get on to that! I love caramel so looking forward to it.
I was bemused by your first sentence … a missing comma makes all the difference
I am a bit concerned about sleeping less well and having less energy when the Ashwa sprays finish. I am impressed with this herb. I dont take anything between the trials as i dont want to mess with my baseline.
Well I tell you this I do like the Ashwa a lot more than the valerian for sure!! Passiflora I found super easy … but Ashwa didn’t require the same stoicism as valerian (though valerian did knock me out and I’m looking forward to retesting it on the new sofi platform)
I sincerely apologise for the missing comma, having read it back I see how awfully bad it sounds! I am pleased that the intelligence level of other pioneers on Sofi can determine a mistake as opposed to an outright insult! Which would be completely unjust after the superb quality support we receive from our Sofi team members! A little more care on my part in future I think!
Whatever you think of the flavours you must agree that the taste beets the valairian hands down!?
Although I have only just coming to the end of the caramel flavour, which I don’t know what I am going to do. I think a previously unknown byproduct of caramel flavour Ashwagandha has created an addiction in its own right! Once my days spray’s are up I am more and more tempted to keep going or at least tempted to have just the one extra !
But for those who have not been on zopiclone Dr prescribed sleeping medication count yourselves very lucky, not only do they taste horrible the metallic taste lasts well into the next day!