Hello everyone, I am excited to be part of this community and the S3 program!
I am a women of a certain age that is going through the transition in a slow and very unpleasant way!
It must be my hormones…right? What else can make you change so dramatically overnight from a positive, energetic, easy going, sociable person to someone so anxious and lacking in confidence that sitting on the sofa for hours on end watching TV is the best option!
I know a lot of how I feel is centred around lack of sleep, but I don’t know how to stop my whizzing brain and anxiety which seems to be a permanent fixture in my life at the moment.
I know there is no magic cure, but I am hoping to get some balance back into my life to the extent I can enjoy and appreciate my family and friends like I used to!
I recognise all you say. Recognising this as menopause symptoms is important. It’s rubbish isn’t it. I find pushing myself to get fresh air and exercise is important. Trying yo motivate myself right now to get dressed and get outside. Good luck on your journey
It absolutely is rubbish!
So true, funny enough my biggest struggle is motivating myself to go out in the fresh air for a walk knowing full well that it will do me the world of good!
Don’t know if you have heard about it, but I am currently reading Davina McCall’s book 'Menopausing?
I am three chapters in and already I can see we have a long way to go as a society/nation to recognise and support women going through this transition, especially working women!
I hope you enjoyed getting out 
Thank you for your message and I hope your journey goes smoothly🙏
Yes. I say Davina speaking about her book but have not read it. It sounds really good common sense but weirdly we listen and think ‘why didn’t I know that’ or ‘why isn’t everyonne aware of that’. I thought the lack of sleep, feeling anxious and lethargic, negativity, etc was me being depressed or something. No it’s menopause. You are not alone!
So true, I thought I was losing my mind! I am now on HRT patches, but for some reason I am still unable to shake the anxiety and get a good night’s sleep.
Thank you again for your kind words 
Hi @aneela1970 and so thrilled to have you here raising such an important issue. I wanted to provide a link to a previous thread in case you found it useful or interesting: Ladies of a certain age!
@pamelaspence, our medical herbalist also shares some of her incredible research and writing there too

Thank you Alex, I will definitely check this out!
I haven’t received the S3, when can I expect to receive it please?
I’m hoping to be included in the next release too. I came of HRT a few months ago and wasn’t a great sleeper then now I don’t know how I survive on the small amount and poor quality of sleep I’m getting. My hot flushes have come back with vigour and my joints have begun to ache again. I’m hoping that if I can improve my sleeping I can at least deal with the hot flushes better.
Hi @aneela1970,
We are in the midst of production with the S3, having completed the harvest of the plant, flavour formulating, etc - I believe we now only have different aspect the hardware of the sofi stick to go!
For detailed updates and information on the expected timelines, make sure to follow our S3 updates thread: S3 Pioneer Program | updates
We are on track to launch towards the beginning of February
Thankfully, as we continue to grow, and improve our capacities as a startup, the wait time between Program will be significantly reduced. And remembered, once you’re first Pioneer Pack is reserved, so long as you remain active with your daily journaling, you’ll get the chance to participate in all the Programs/different plants that follow!
I hope that helps and here should you have any question!

We’re thrilled to have you on board @jacquij2010 and as your S3 Pioneer Pack is reserved, you will absolutely be included in our upcoming release with the S3 
As mentioned in my previous message to @aneela1970, you can check out our S3 updates thread for more details - and we should have further updates coming very soon! 
Thank you so much alexwalkerjones. Loving the different topics related around sleep and the support everyone gives each other.
@jacquij2010 We are truly blessed to have such a kind and empathetic community here! If you’re ever looking for a particular topic or discussion, let me know, and I can usually suggest a post or two 
Hi Jacqui,
I feel your pain!
I am and will continue to take HRT, I have the patches and Mirena coil and have started exploring ways to get Testosterone for the missing piece of the puzzle and my journey as I navigate towards the Menopause.
If you don’t mind sharing, I am interested to know why you stopped taking HRT?
Thank you Alex for the update, I hope there are no more delays
my sanity at the moment is relying on getting great sleep on this program.
Thank you for all your support and encouragement 
Kind regards,
Hi Annie,
I had been on HRT for nearly 3 yrs and during the summer I had trouble getting the patches to stick with the warm weather and decided this was maybe a signal that I should try to come off them.
When I started taking they totally transformed my life, I didn’t really realise until I started taking them how bad the menopause had
affected me and think I had just assumed this was it, this is what my life was going to be. Sleep was terrible felt like I had never been to bed, hot flushes, aching joints, decision making slow and forgetful.
Taking them enabled me to feel all round better but at the back of my mind I knew I didn’t want to be on it too long and wanted to try to come off before I hit 60 (I am 58 now). I also lost over a stone in weight and felt this helped me be in the right frame of mind to stop taking them.
The hot flushes came back but not as severe, over the last month I can feel a stiffness in my fingers and knees, I do Pilates to try to help this. The main problem I have is the lack of sleep and hoping once I get on the program this will help address it. Sorry for the long post ….it’s actually nice to be able to speak and tell someone about my experience.
What about yourself?
Jacqui x
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Hi Jacqui,
I totally relate and please feel free to share I am very interested to hear about your experiences.
I am 52 and still perimenopausal, but I started to exhibit menopause symptoms back in 2020.
Like you I put my symptoms down to getting older and resigned myself to the fact this is now my life.
I was alarmed by my hair loss and extreme brain fog, I spent hundreds of pounds on supplements in one month to address the many concerns. I knew spending this much money wasn’t sustainable and that is when I started to research the Menopause. The turning point for me was when I watched Davina MaCall’s program about the Menopause and realised you can have menopausal symptoms during the perimenopausal stage. After this I went straight to the GP and insisted on HRT, my journey is not complete and I strongly believe that testosterone might be what I need to get my mental clarity back.
I definitely need better sleep, I pray to God that this program works.
I think I have rambled on enough for today, but please keep in touch and let me know how your journey goes!
Annie x
Thank you Annie I will do and look forward to hearing how things improve for you , Jacqui x
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