Less sleep leads to Dementia

So I’ve just read an article claiming that anyone who has less than 5 hours sleep a night is double the risk of getting Dementia I wonder if there is proven data if so then we have a ticking time bomb on our hands just something else us non sleepers have to deal with


@chris.king5 this sounds like an interesting article … sometimes articles are great headline grabbers … other times the author do confuse correlation and causation … so would love to see a link to the article snd the source and will share with our scientist and give you a measured view both in the veracity of the original research and of the subsequent reporting of it … in the meantime, they did a study of the output of Da Vinci and worked out the only way he could have had his output in his life is he had on average slept three hours a day for the entirety of his life … so perhaps along the lines of dementia hides the sort of genius that changes the world! Hope you’re having an excellent weekend Chris. :pray:


Hope this is right


Chris just wrote to the author of the research for some clarification of their actual research and how accurately The Express may have reflected it. Will definitely come back as soon as I hear back from her. And if we don’t, we will dig up the original research as soon as we get some down time and see what we see in the data. Only observation is that it is based on 2013/2014 surveys. I can tell you the world feels a little bit pre and post endemic especially when it comes to patterns of mental and physical health. If you are interested there are a few ways you can begin to look at original research and be able to form a more measured view on it. If you are interested (and have the time and inclination) I will dig out the methodology we used when we were doing our scientific literature review and share it here! :pray:

ps. A few pages from our white paper summary outlining how we scored scientific papers when we did the scientific literature review for sofi in case you decide to dig deeper:

So as a sample each research when it was reviewed was scored using this matrix ( hope is helpful!):


Thanks very helpful as my mother has dementia she did not sleep well so clarification will be of great interest


Let me see what we can chase up Chris and will come back to you!


sorry to hear that @chris.king5
one cause often mentioned when it comes to dementia is sugar. If it is somehow possible to reduce (well, actually ELIMINATE) sugar from the diet, often dementia conditions can improve. Lot’s of research out there - but of course (and unfortunately) it doesn’t always work in the same ways.


WOW thats amazing i never new that i l8ve that not only are we going to get sleep an we all help each other here in tje tree house but i have also been learning alot from sofi about sleep , strees , anxiety an lots more and i have also been learning from other pioneers its amazing :clap: