Has anyone else found the slider not that easy to use when logging data such as how in control you feel? I find trying to slide it to exactly where I want it not that easy
Yes I find them a little awkward too, I though it was just my inability to use my fingers properly
I agree and I miss the quarters on the sleep logging. I often sleep erratically and the quarters were important to me. Not just halves please.
No, it’s not just you
Yes, same for me to!!
This is amazing feedback @icebabes @dcm.leeds @Simone … should we see if we can get the sliding to happen in more granular ways? I think the genesis of this was that the original basis for this (in scientific studies) forced folks to pick one of five answers … but if you want it to be more granular we can have a look at that as along as @enricovarano is happy from the sofi brain side and @Kirill can find some time to fit it into the cortical fixes
sofi brain agrees on 15 min sleep increments - data quality would definitely improve! Don’t see why continuous Calm would be a bad idea either! @Kirill and @rafaelgoncalves let’s make sure we keep the same overall range max-min pls, it will make the change retro-compatible.
Will be adding that soon after we fix all critical bugs
I would prefer more specific rather than whole or half numbers
Noted @icebabes and grateful for the feedback … looks like another fruit company is getting into the spirit of asking how folks feel … but you know where you saw it first
Have only recently started on this journey and have been finding it hard with the sliders Soooo glad its not just me being dumb
Yes! I believe we are in the process of adjusting them so that both of the slider ends/extremes can be seen. Otherwise, I find it a little tricky to asses exactly where I’m submitting my answer between and haha!