Nothingakes sense

I tried to order my pod with spray with the £10 deposit amd it is charging me £99 i dont understamd sorry


Hi @Joni,

Many thanks for your post, and goodness! That is quite the price hike :flushed: Let’s see if we can figure out exactly what’s going on.

Could I please confirm that you are following the unique link provided to you in the email with the subject line: “sofi | pioneer wave incoming!”

There, you should be taken to the Pioneer-specific page, and not our general subscription survey. I hope that helps to solve this, of course, please let me know if not :pray: :pray:

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Yes I followed the link on the email and now I can’t log into my app it is telling me my email is not recognised


Hi @Joni, just to confirm, were you able to see the correct amount of £10 this time?

I’ll send over a DM with the email address we have attached to your sofi account. It can also help to double check you are trying to log-in the very same way you would have first created your account (i.e. via google, Facebook, or manually entering said email)

I hope that helps, but if I’ve gotten anything wrong, please let me know :pray:

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