Passiflora side effects

Hi all, has anyone found taking passiflora before bed makes them feel wired and more awake? Im also getting headaches which come on after about 20 mins of taking? I used valarian drops few months ago that caused headaches too, maybe im too sensitive! I always tend to react opp to whats supposed to happen :weary:


Hello @lyndsayhuish

So sorry for the delay in replying. I’m also sorry that you have experienced a headache when taking the Passiflora. I have not come across this before with Passiflora but we are using a high strength product and, as is our mantra here, everyone is different so it may not suit you. There are also other ingredients in the spray (herbal sweetener and natural flavourings) that could be the culprit.

Can I suggest starting with just one spray and seeing whether that causes the headache? If you were ok with one spray then you could slowly increase to two and so on, until you find your tolerance level?

Let us know how you get on. Some people are just very sensitive to any medicines, others even get opposite reactions sometimes (that happened to me a lot in herb school which wasn’t a whole lot of fun!). If Passiflora is not for you then we have plenty of other herbs lining up for you to try.

Take care,
Pamela :slight_smile: :herb:


That is so me! Cbd oil kept me awake all night!! Taking passiflora before bed wires me, so im going to try one spray in morning and one mid afternoon? Im super sensitive to most herbs/medications etc! I wonder why that is, so annoying when all you want to do is help yourself :sob: thank you for replying xxx


I know, it’s really frustrating when your body refuses to go with the plan!
Yes I would try one in the morning and one mid-afternoon and first of all see whether the headache recurs. If it doesn’t then see what effect that might have on your sleep. The Passiflora is (normally!) calming and sometimes by having it earlier in the day it can still allow sleep to come more easily that night. But it can take a while to notice the difference.

It’s a bit like sidling up to a horse when you have a body that reacts that way! Or coaxing a wild animal. We need to be a bit subtle!

Hope that helps - let us know what happens next :slight_smile: :herb:


Love those analogies :pray: thank you :sparkling_heart:


Welcome - glad they were helpful! :pray: :herb:


I haven’t got mine yet but nytol makes me feel wired and coffee makes me sleepy :sweat_smile: fingers crossed for you!


That’s brilliant @freya.coxx … does alcohol increase your focus? Haha! If only! :pray:


@Kaveh I wish! :joy: Only my adhd meds have that power! Although I have been reading about passifloras benefits on adhd, can’t wait to try it! x


Fingers x’ed we will have it to you soon @freya.coxx … thank you so much for being so amazingly patient … also as soon as we have the sofi stick with you we can then circle through additional formulations you may nit have tested yet … so hope you’re ready! xx :pray:

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Ps. Just adding @alexwalkerjones so we can track the progress of your package.


So ready! Thank you :relaxed::relaxed: x


I agree. 'm not having headaches but it does seem to make me wired! I was beginning to have better night’s due to the cooler weather. My sleep was increasing gradually, but since starting passiflora my sleep is worse?! I’m so upset, as I was mega excited to start on the pods. Hopefully it will get better :crossed_fingers:xx


My severe anxiety has increased quite a bit during the day and night, more each day since starting passiflora. Last night I used just 1 soray after


Oops…sent previous message by mistake unfinished. Half an hour after my dinner spray the anxiety started mounting and got much worse after going to bed. Only got maybe 2 hours sleep with a bizarre dream. Sleep and anxiety progressively worse after a week on passiflora, even with just 1 spray. Don’t think it is for me. Any thoughts @pamelaspence ?


I felt same, gutted after waiting so long xx


Sorry for the delay in my reply!
Also sorry that it seems Passiflora may not be your herb… It is the same with any medicine, pharmaceutical or herbal, that it simply won’t suit everyone and of course that is very disappointing.
I suggest that you stop the Passiflora but it’s crucial to keep journalling so that we can track what effect that action has. Let me know how you get on after 7 days. It is important that we can record when Passiflora doesn’t work as well as when it does and start to learn who it works best for and what you have in common.
If Passiflora does turn out to be the culprit here, then it won’t be long till the next herb comes along that you can try.
Hang in there!
Hope that helps :pray: :herb:


Hello @lyndsayhuish ,
So sorry that it seems Passiflora may not be your herb… You’ll see my reply to @kteach99 and I would suggest doing the same, as we know one size does not fit all when it comes to any medicine. It is really disappointing when it happens though.

As with @kteach99, I suggest that you stop the Passiflora but please keep journalling so that we can track what effect that has. We need to know how and when the herbs work as well as when they do.

If Passiflora does turn out to be the culprit here, then it won’t be long till the next herb comes along that you can try.

Hope that helps :pray: :herb:


WARNING: TMI toward the end. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I have had my pods for 3 days now. The first day I used it the second day I did not do to a migraine and taking my migraine meds and sleeping the entire day/night. And I used it last night.

The first day that I had it I couldn’t remember how to use it and it wasn’t finding any of the answers to the treehouse but I had no problem setting it up as far as Bluetooth and all of that. So I only use two sprays right before I went to bed and I was already extremely exhausted so I knew I was going to fall asleep really fast however I figured I’d be up constantly and then within like 3 hours I would be wide awake as usual. I did not constantly wake up nor did I wake up 3 hours later unable to go back to sleep. It was about four and a half 5 hours and then I was awake but it was also morning.

Last night, I was not all that tired but needed to go to sleep so I used three sprays though my app only registered too and I had not been able to use it earlier in the evening because I didn’t get home until almost time for me to go to bed anyway. So when I woke up this morning, I was very excited at the fact that while I did wake up two or three times in the middle of the night I didn’t feel groggy when I woke up but I was easily able to fall back asleep and I did not fully wake up until almost 10 hours later. I have never felt so refreshed from sleep, no matter how many hours I’ve gotten, as I do today.

While I am celebrating the fact that I slept, I also want to point to gastrointestinal issues that both nights I experienced or rather both mornings.

Both mornings after using passiflora the night before, I have had really bad stomach cramps and a touch of diarrhea. For me, not a big deal because I have IBS with constipation but for some, it could be bad.
All in all, I’m very happy with sleep.


This is really good to hear that you seem to be benefitting from Passiflora. It seems to have had a real impact on your sleep. Keep us informed to hear how it continues :slight_smile:

As for the gastro issues, it would be very good to know if that continues to happen or if it settles.