Sleep meditation

What are people’s thoughts about using sleep meditation apps or recordings to get off to sleep. I have had some good success with these especially in easing an overactive mind and anxiety when these get in the way of sleep.


I use the Calm app, it’s brilliant. Even celebs have signed on, so you can get Matthew McConaughey to get you to sleep :wink:


I’ve used guided relaxation videos before to help me calm down when I’m having a bad day with my anxiety and there used to be an app I used that was calming stories read by people like Stephen fry but I can’t remember the name of it.
They have worked most times for me.
Never really thought about using them to help me get off to sleep though.


I find similar to meditation recordings, music can really help me unwind mentally. Obviously it completely depends on what type, but being able to connect with it lyrically or even just feel soothed by the tune can be all it takes to ease an anxious mood. Other times though it feels music is just adding to the noise.


I am torn on this…
On the one hand, these guided sleep meditations are fantastic. I have been using calm for many years and totally enjoy it. And some of the celebrities have spectacular voices!

On the other hand though, I am absolutely against having e-devices in my bedroom especially the phone. Not just the waves but also the temptations that come with it.

On days I struggle with sleep, I prefer going into a different room; calm myself down with a guided meditation, and then go to bed once the meditation is over.


I use sleep meditation and self hypnosis to try and help me sleep better as i have ptsd from a brain injury, it doesnt stop all the anxiety before bed of knowing im only going to sleep a few hours but it does help calm my brain from over thinking, the ones that play for 8 hours or more. I seem to benefit from these more as i just play it even if i wake up i seem to be able to go back to sleep more than half the time, there are so many on youtube that if 1 doesnt work you you can try another, i hope this helps soneone.


Yes. I find some good, long sleep meditation recordings on YouTube. It’s quite a personal choice and if you find one that works for you then it is a really good option for those nights when the anxiety kicks in.