Sleepless weigh more😩

I have struggled with my weight as long as my insomnia probably. But never linked the two together.
You can read plenty about weight gain because of lack of sleep.
For what ever reason I slept really well for a month ( don’t know how or what I did ) but I lost over a stone (10kg ) didn’t change anything ate the same drank the same.
Now the lack of sleep is back the weigh is creeping back.
I have my hopes on sofi to make me sleeping thin :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:
Does anyone else feel their sleep affect there weight?


100% affects my weight. Not only from insomnia but also because I’m awake, I snack too.


Literally me!! Do you guys have any tips at all to help me stop snacking through the night when I can’t sleep? I have a spray that is meant to help repress your appetite but I still find myself in the fridge… going to end up putting a pad lock round it :joy:


I try not to buy anything I can snack on . Otherwise it’s gone . :joy::joy:


I’m exactly the same. I’ve increased my portion sizes during earlier meals to see if that helps, it doesn’t! Horrible isn’t it.


I can eat/snack all day if I get the chance. 🤦🤦 Never really satisfied but it all has to do with no sleep if you read the studies 🤷🤷


Such an interesting question and something I read about before. There’s loads of scientific evidence that links the 2 - weight fluctuation and sleep. Something to do with hormones, cravings and will-power. I don’t have the whole information but in my experience it’s a big factor. I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life but I had a significant spike when I changed jobs about 15 years ago and my sleep pattern had to change. I was never an early morning person and had to become one due to my work but never really managed to go to bed early and over time the quality of my sleep also deteriorated.


Would you say that you have Night Eating Syndrome? (NES)?


I had to look that up . But no I don’t have that I don’t eat anything after dinner till breakfast. I could but not letting myself.


That’s a good possibility and definitely worth researching.


Same for me …I often have eat cereal in the night when I can’t sleep…also if I feel tired in the day sugar often gives me a lift so it’s no good for the waist line x


replace the snacks with another form of snack; might be easier vs not having anything at home, as that is typically not the case. Most people have something to eat at home, and if you are having a craving…then nothing is safe…
Try healthy versions - at last you don’t feel as bad about snacking.
Alternative: try doing some HIIT even if it is just for a minute of 2…