Sleep & Weight management


It’s been a while since I last posted here, I’m going towards a burnout (can already feel it coming) and I’m also trying to lose weight. Safe to say that my sleep patterns are flying out the window like birds on a stick! I find it difficult to lose weight and now it’s keeping me up and night, I feel more uncomfortable and keep waking up during late hours, anyone else going through similar issues?



It’s so good to see you again @hennakamran09 and the only experience I have is when I don’t sleep through the night I tend to need more fuel to keep going so I eat more and very late which I know isn’t great which in turn I sport with additional gravitas as I put on a few KG … I have stopped worrying about the actual number now I am more focused at my energy level … and I am working in exhausting my body during waking hours … early experiment but will keep you posted on progress! :pray:


Very sad to read @hennakamran09
Hope you can carve out some stressless me-time to do whatever your mind and soul is longing for.
I also hope you find the strength for acceptance and are not trying too hard (=spending too much energy) to fight that what is currently not working.
Wishing you lots of peace and quiet and patience.


It’s exactly like me when I sleep less, I eat more then I gain weight (which I have), and because of the stress created about my weight, results to eating more … I feel, it is a circle!
Therefore, we need to sleep! :blush:


I hear this @hennakamran09. Welcome back. Resisting the urge to snack or eat more while you’re battling insomnia is hard. My only suggestion is when you’re feeling like this, is to snack on fruit or healthy protein bars that are low calorie as they’re designed to keep you feeling full.

Please try to be kind to yourself too. You are beautiful and require compassion and care from yourself, much like you would treat a friend. Be well. :heart:


I’m also trying to lose weight, I sleep terribly as I have FMS. Keep it up though! I’m gonna keep going too :smiley: good luck, you’re not alone!