Sofi - let's get social!

We love these secret emojis @JustLau5 and plan to add more soon when we have the extra downtime (which is somewhat of a mysterious mythical creature around here :blush: :rofl:),

but for our first two programs we also had the journey / formulations cards which you can get by search “n01” or “n02” etc like this :s1_n01: :s1_n02: :s1_n03: or :s2_n01: :s2_n02: :s2_n03:


Awwww, They’re so pretty!!! @alexwalkerjones :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And no, I can’t imagine you’ve had any time at all to yourself, with all that you and the team have put into this product and everything that comes with it!!! :face_with_peeking_eye::joy:
But like I’ve said before, you are all amazing and absolute geniuses, and will be helping so many people across the world! 🩷🩷🩷
The more I read on here, the more amazed I am at the fact that you really have all thought of EVERYTHING!!! :raised_hands:t4::raised_hands:t4::raised_hands:t4::raised_hands:t4:
With having super powers like that, comes great responsibility (says in deep Marvel intro voice) :face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl:
I’m sure all the late nights, no free time and not being able to plan anything with anyone will all be worth it :kissing_heart::ok_hand:t4:

Thankyou to the whole team for making so many sacrifices to help us all!! 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽