(Feedback wanted!) Who is sofi to you?

As we begin to increase our current scope and visibility across our social media platforms and get back into a more consistent posting schedule, we’ve been thinking alot about the question, “who is sofi?”

While sofi has played a similar role for many of us - helping us to sleep and feel better in our busy day-to-day lives - we think it’s fascinating to explore the different meanings sofi might have for each of us. :blue_heart: :earth_asia:

By thinking about questions like this, and shaping our characterisation of sofi with your direct feedback, we hope to hone in on the right conversations to have, and the best type of content to share - after all, our goal is to provide the most value to you.

If you could give us a brief description of who sofi is to you, and what type of content / online conversations you might like to see more of from “her,” we are super grateful as always - and all ears! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Many thanks, treehouse!

love Alex


A community :heart: and it’d be nice to access our sleep data etc to see how the plants are affecting us :slight_smile:


Sofi is a supportive friend mentor.

I’ve started to feel reassured to know I have Sofi. The sprays and the journalling is helping me keep a better routine.

Sofi is flexible. She’ll work with me looking at my sleep and mood journal tracking to choose the best plant for me but because she’s flexible she’ll listen to me if I’d prefer to use a different plant.

Sofi offers the Treehouse community to come to for support and questions and advice or just general chat. I hope I’ll feel more confident to join in more soon :blush:


Yes!! I can’t wait to share what we have in store for our new “results” section very soon! :grin: :heart_eyes:


Looking forward to it !


I feel similarly to what PurplePink said :slight_smile: sofi is a trusty friend. Does anyone else feel instantly better just having their sofi on them or in their bag? :joy: Maybe just me. Reminds me of everyone with their water cups/bottles these days ! Can’t leave home without her?/sofi.


For me, Sofi is Hope :hugs::butterfly:
:spiritbug: :happy: :sparkling_heart:

I’d kinda given up on ever finding a solution to my ongoing sleep issues, and began to accept that I was probably never going to sleep well again, and when I stumbled upon Sofi, I’ll admit, I was very hesitant.
Once i’d discovered the treehouse, read through all the information and other people’s posts about their experiences with Sofi sprays, I was given hope again, and even felt excited for what was to come! :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:
Also the fact it’s an all natural approach, I can actually feel good about what Im going to be putting in my body!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Even just having the opportunity to be involved in a community where everyone has suffered similar problems, stops you from feeling so alone with it all! :hugs:🩷 :sofijis:


I haven’t taken Sofi out with me yet but I get that reassured feeling knowing I have her in my bedroom. I have a water bottle in my bedroom at night too :blush: