Received my sofi pebble, was confused at first but ready up and realised it’s meaning I’m very excited to receive a sofi pioneer box and try it all out to see how natural ingredients can help me sleep better! @alexwalkerjones
Welcome to the treehouse @isobelxhoward and so pleased to have you here with us on this journey. xx I know there are a few remaining S1 boxes so we will make sure we designate one to you. Copying in @alexwalkerjones !
Amazing!! When you get a chance @isobelxhoward, if you could upload a photo here (or sent one directly to me), I will reserved your Pioneer Box and get that shipped out to you asap
Reserved! Thank you @isobelxhoward!
A confirmation email will land in your inbox soon
Love it! Welcome on board Isobel and can’t wait to see how you and valerian get along! xx
Welcome!!awww!!i started putting my pebbles in with indoor houseplants so i see every morning xxx🌻
Welcome, lovely to see you here!
I love this idea I have many house plants so I will make a start with my first one!