The “sofi surprise” as we affectionately call it is our way of verifying that your Pioneer Pack will make it to you - wherever in the world that might be! The surprise is the final step before you Pioneer Pack is reserved.
I wanted to share with you the story of these very special sofi pebbles. You see, each one of them were individually picked by hand and I asked Andzhi permission to share her narrative of how these beautiful sea treasures came to find their way to sofi and ultimately to you … this is her story:
I have been living by the sea all my life, I am an architect by education. Since childhood, I love to draw and create something with my own hands. Moreover, this “something” must necessarily be beautiful. . And yes, I feel like a creator and an artist. For many years I worked as a manager and, unfortunately, there was absolutely no time to do my favorite thing. Absolutely! And those were not the best times for the artist’s soul. And then a few years ago, big changes took place in my life. I completely changed my life, got married for the second time, and my husband and I moved to another country. It was a lot of stress, and my subconscious told me: “Hey, remember that you are an artist! This is your chance to finally be yourself!” And I am very glad that I listened to my inner voice. As I said before, I’ve been living by the sea all my life. I need the energy of the sea to get a creative impulse. My creations are diverse in subject matter. But the coast gives me a creative impulse. I come to the coast almost every morning. And in the summer I meet the dawn on the sea shore. And quite often I find sea treasures in the sand: stones of beautiful shape and color, sea glass, ceramics. … There are many sea treasures in my collection.
I also consider people who are inspired by the energy of the coast to be like-minded people…