Wasn’t really sure where to confirm that I had received my suprise, I love it!!! I love collecting and finding nice stones at the beach, especially hag stones. Trying to remember how to upload a picture
So glad it made it to you @slothymum!! We love pebble photos here especially as every one is unique!
If you swipe right from the main sofi screen in your sofi app, there should be a progress page with a relevant button that says “upload the photo.” Let me know if you see it there so your S3 Pioneer Pack can be officially reserved!
Arghhhhh I think I forgot todo this, I don’t know I’ll do it now, or again if iv already done it. But I’m confirming it for sure.
Yes I had done it terrible brain memory
All good to go @slothymum!
Hi! Not sure if this is the best place to post this question, but I’ve been journalling 17 days and awaiting my Sofi Surprise. Very excited to get started and just wondering if there’s anything else I need to do, or a rough time guide for how long the process takes for new members in UK?
Please let me know if there’s anything I’ve neglected to do or where I can better ask this question. I’m already finding that regular journalling is really helping me develop better awareness of my sleeping patterns and can’t wait to see what differences the sprays will make!
Many Thanks in advance!
Hi @KirstyMc - thanks so much for your question and it is a pleasure to have you onboard. I’m happy to hear that you’re already finding the benefits of the journaling process. Personally I enjoy taking the few minutes per day to check-in with myself, how I’m feeling, and how my sleep might impact the day in front of me too!
I can confirm that your address has been received and your sofi surprise should go out at the beginning of next week.
Once you’ve received your surprise, then we ask you to upload an image of it in your hands via the sofi app so that your Pioneer Pack can be officially reserved under your name.
You’re on track to participate in our S3 Pioneer Program, and make sure to check out our thread here for more details on the timeline and production process: S3 Pioneer Program | updates
Here should you have any questions or get stuck anytime
Thanks so much for the swift reassurance Alex!
I seem to have a terrible track record with things arriving in the post for some reason (I swear I’m on a lifelong mailing blacklist) even my exam results and even more recently, equally important documents tend to go AWOL!
I’m just so ready to start trying something new, with even minimal benefits. Although from reading through the comments, many folk are finding significant benefits, even at this stage of the pilot!
I’m keeping everything crossed and hoping to the universe that my pebble turns up this week so I can get properly started!
Congrats on your work so far, and the level of ‘customer service’ you guys have managed to establish even at this point of, what I’m sure is a highly complicated and very involved project. It seems that many pioneers are already reaping significant benefits from the first, and second phases. Im sure the in-app support provided by your amazing team has been key in that regard!
As always…Very excited to get started! x
Thank you for saying so @KirstyMc! We do our best and are incredibly passionate about sofi and the community we are blessed to interact with everyday.
And oh my goodness, not the exam results!! I would be worrying too
I’ve actually just received word that these will be going out Friday morning, so it should be with you by the beginning of next week. x
Seriously (as dramatic as it sounds) I think that was the beginning of all the madness (way before it was possible to access results online)…The mysterious vanishing exam results then led to many important docs and even new passports/packages and allsorts in the following 24 years disappearing into the same black hole . As well as the possible sleep/calming benefits of the trial, I’m hoping the ancient power of your carefully curated plant extracts might finally banish the hex hanging over me when it comes to my mail jinx…No pressure at all though
Thaks again for your timeous reply…I’m really looking forward to finally being able to upload my pic and get started ASAP! I’d be gutted to miss out, having seen so many positive reviews thus far from equally disenfranchised sleep desperados like myself! at the risk of sounding even more desperate…I really do feel like this could be an extremely positive, life altering, undertaking for me, after years of trying various other remedies, both natural and stronger, prescribed drugs to help with my chronic insomnia and sleepwalking. Even reading comments saying that people have felt less exhausted in the mornings after a better quality of sleep gives me a significantly increased level of hope that this could be a complete game-changer for me, on so many levels.
Anyway, thanks once again. I’ll keep checking next week for my pebble to arrive! I’ll be sure to upload a pic the second it’s in my hands.
Hope your day has been a positive one, and that the trials continue to reap results indicating positive outcomes in the meantime!
Kind Regards, and many thanks!
Ahaha, that’s incredible! We will give it all the ancient power we’ve got
And I don’t have all the details yet, but we are looking at running a valerian refill Program, and we may be able to squeeze a few S3 Pioneers in as an early (pre-S3) trial - and, if that’s the case, I will make sure you are one of them!
We know valerian had very noticeable effects after only a short period of time, so it would likely be worth a shot!
Wishing you a lovely week!