Still waiting and progress has been erased

Hi, I’m still waiting for my starter pack. When I joined up there nothing stating that waiting time would be longer than 3 months. How much longer will the wait be? If it’s next year then I am no longer interested as I could if tried anything else without having to wait 6months. A rough estimate on delivery will be much appreciated. Also my seeds have gone down and I haven’t used them for anything :woman_facepalming:t5: it also says I signed up in nov when I signed up in July


Hi @LittleL - it’s great to see you in the sofi treehouse and thanks so much for your post!

Please rest assured that you have not been forgotten about! I can confirm that your Pioneer Pack is reserved under your name for shipment very soon!

You should have received an email from us recently, with the subject line: “sofi | your reserved starter pack,” detailing our next two waves of Pioneer Pack shipment, and how to ensure that you receive yours asap!

We will be prioritising those who have been most actively journaling these past 30 days to receive their shipments first (with 1st and 2nd waves of shipments taking place at the end of Nov and Dec)!

Please let me know if there’s no sign of the email (occasionally our emails can get lost in junk or spam - it can also help to add as a trusted contact), but I’d be more than happy to resend it your way x

If you have any questions at all, I’m here to help anytime!

Kind regards,



I received that email back in August and was told the next would be September we are now going into December… I logged from July. After a month of logging it gets long… I am leaving… a free trial to paying to try that’s not a free trail of the product.


Your frustration is completely heard @LittleL, and we’re sorry that we have not met your expectations. As a super small startup, it’s unfortunately not uncommon for our timelines to unexpected change, but - as many of the Pioneers who have been with us from the beginning can attest to - we will continue to strive to do right by our community.

Please let me know, and I can ensure that you are unsubscribed from receiving future emails from us :heartpulse:

Wishing you all the best on your journey! x


I went from the September to possibly being in the December trial.

Could you please tell me the benefits of waiting…

Your sales and advertising time need to be more open, honest and forthcoming with what is to be expected… don’t ask people to do something to get something for an amount of time if your unable to get your product ready within that time frame

All of my progress has been wiped so what is the point if I just have to start again.

5months to be told ‘you need to log for x amount of days before I even get put into the next trial?

I waited 2months for a pebble!

Communication is KEY!

And you lot do NOT communicate

I can confirm as ( I believe ) one of the first bunch of pioneers that Sofi do right and always try their best to fix any teething issues etc as soon as they can , everyone in this community has had to wait at times for the next stage to come , but having a better night sleep is so worth it , I found Sofi when I was desperate working nights in a factory unable to get even two hours sleep some days and finding this community was a godsend , not just the benefit of the pod giving me some better sleep but a safe place to talk about feelings and issues I have had , and I’ve made some friends in this community itself too.