Advice please

I keep trying to verify my email but nothing happens when I click on the link. Any help or advice welcome. Thank you in advance


Have you checked your spam folder? I’m probably not the best person to answer as I didn’t have a problem, but thats the only thing i can think of, as i know they email the link, obviously.


Let me add @alexwalkerjones to see if we can follow your email … also adding @Kirill in case something unusual is happening but that’s great advice from @MissTQ … def check your spam and let us know how you get on :pray:


Hi @Jaxx - were you able to locate any email in junk / spam? I can flag this with our team as a potential bug (or perhaps there’s a limit on how many emails it will send), but it would be good first to make sure that it’s not getting lost somewhere other than your inbox :blush: :pray:


Hi thank you for your comment, I haven’t received a email. I changed my email address as well but that didn’t work. I need to change my email address back to the original email address as that one is easier for me to access.


Thanks for letting me know @Jaxx - I’ll look into this with our team, and see if we can manually swap your email back, as well as double check that the reset password emails are being sent accordingly.

If possible, would you mind sending me a private DM with the email that you’d prefer to use for your account? Is it the same as the one tied to your treehouse account (we recommend this, just so that you can receive sofi seeds for your interaction here) :slight_smile: x