Ive been on the pioneer programme since june last year, finally recieved an email in November saying the last 2 waves were being sent out and i had a pioneer pack reserved but Ive not recieved one or heard anything since?
Im just wondering if the programme is over now that they are available for sale?
Hi @Rhiannaleighnicol - thanks for your post!
As explained in the email we sent out in November - in order to qualify for the next wave shipment we asked Pioneers to journal as consistently as possible for 30 days from the day the email was received. I can see in the system that you only had 2 journal entries from the date of the email receipt, which is probably why you did not receive any further communication
However, I have good news - we are planning to launch another wave of shipment asap Please keep an eye out for your inbox this week as we will be sending out emails with instructions on how to make sure you get your pack in the next wave
Please let me know if you have any further questions!
@alexwalkerjones is the new wave the cammomile? If so did I qualify? I’d like to try the camomile, then if it helps I can get some in my subscription
Hi @MissTQ, unfortunately the 2nd wave is still a “discovery wave” for new pioneer, meaning we are using the remaining stock of our packs that contain all three plants (valerian, ashwagandha, and passiflora), before we move towards formulating any new/upcoming plants such as chamomile!
The moment we have any news of chamomile - you will be among the first to know!
Hi im still awaiting my pioneer pack do we know if its going to be in this wave please
Hi @Pene - thanks for your message!
As explained in my previous message, we have been sending out communication in November regarding the 2 waves of Starter Pack shipments.
If you missed it by any chance - we will be launching another wave at the end of this month. You should have received an email on January 17th with the subject line "sofi | last call to claim your pioneer pack " which details the instructions on how to ensure you get your pack asap! Please let me know if you cannot locate it (also check junk/spam folder) and I will be happy to resend it to you.
If you have any further questions, I am here to help
Hi I received the email, but for some reason I havent been able to open the Sofi diary app. During my journey, the mappinh of how things have been havent really changed since I signed up. Can you use the info you have to send out my pack or could you advise me further by DM in here please?
Meanwhile, ill keep trying to see what tje problem is. I only have my phoblne, so no other device I can log in with.
Hi im struggling to find the email could you please resend it
Hey @ScottishAnne - thanks for letting us know about your issue!
Could you please let me know in more detail what exactly is the issue you are experiencing? Can you not open the app at all or is something wrong as you open it?
Please let me know and I will be happy to help you here, in dms or on intercom (moon icon in the top left of your app) - whatever is most convenient for you!
Hi @Pene - just tried resending it to you on jesswess1997@hotmail.co.uk, please let me know if you have it now
Hi i still cannot locate the email ive checked my spam as well
Thanks for you reply. My apologies I just discovered it. My email needs sorting out.
OK, I tried all the usual stuff like turn phone and data on and off etc and nothing worked.
I tried again today and got in no problem so I gave no idea what has been wrong …???
Have I missed the last of the Pioneer packs going out? I’ve been a member for a long time and although I got fed up completing a baseline that, was basically stagnant so I lost interest a bit in that part but the concept still really interests me. So I hope I can still take part after waiting all of this time.
My dog also has Ashwaganda and Valarien Root lotion on his food and he’s changed from a nervy timid dog into a really happy and relaxed version of himself.
He is a rescue dog who was abused by his previous owner and the change in him is so great without any sedation. For that reason too, I’d like to try the human versions.
Hi @ScottishAnne!
You haven’t missed the Pioneer Wave, and we have several Packs available. I’ve gone ahead and sent over the link to secure your order and place your £10 deposit (refundable upon return of your smart pod and capsules using the prepaid label included inside)
Should you have any questions or get stuck anywhere, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
PS absolutely love that you and your rescue fur baby will practically be taking part in the study side-by-side!
Plant power for the win!
All the best,