If I haven’t had an email, does that mean I didn’t get into the group shipping at the end of November? I feel like I’ve been journaling twice a day, but I’ve probably missed a few!
If I haven’t had an email, does that mean I didn’t get into the group shipping at the end of November? I feel like I’ve been journaling twice a day, but I’ve probably missed a few!
Hey @Nic - thanks for your post! You’re totally on the list and we should have the email to add your free starter pack" to cart" with your deposit and shipping address going out in the next 24-48 hours, so please stay tuned!
Happy to confirm for anyone else who may see this, but if you’ve been journaling most days you will be sure to make the cut
Amazing, thank you for confirming!
Hi Alex, could you tell me if I’ll be in the December allocation and do you know if they’ll be with us before the New year?
Am I on the list, been waiting since March
Thank you in advance
Hi @Lew and @porshaspettles - I can confirm you are both on the list!
We’re just waiting on some confirmation for when our ashwagandha formulation will be back and stock for our starter packs, but we definitely expect to get them into your hands before the new year.
We’ll have an email going out very soon, so please keep an eye out
Hi @alexwalkerjones , I got the email today, thank you! Unfortunately, when I click on the link, a pop up comes up saying that I’m not eligible for a pioneer pack.
Hip hip horray had an email today requesting £10 which I paid up straight away. Was surprised to see that each pod only lasts 10 days so am hoping that will be long enough to start feeling a difference. But soooooo looking forward to getting this trial of one month and just around christmas as well Happy days
I can’t get the payment to go through. Just keeps spinning.
Edit: it’s now let me pay. Not sure why it wouldn’t go through earlier
Hi @Casino - welcome to our community treehouse and glad to hear it!
I don’t suppose there was anything you did differently the second time? Sometimes it just goes that way doesn’t it
We can’t wait to hear your thoughts and experience with each of the plants @Caroline!
When we first began our Pioneer Studies over 2.5 years ago, we thought there would be no way that effect from the plants could be felt so quickly - but we were totality proven wrong. Not only did most Pioneer report a noticeable difference in fewer than 10 days, but the data massively reflected this also!
So, as our very first study to specifically put three plants formulation (10 days of each) to the test, we are really excited about the discoveries we’ll be making together.
The only thing I did differently was filled in the state/province box with the county I live in. I didn’t fill this in on the other attempts.
It didn’t warn me that I hadn’t filled in that box or that I needed to, so I have no idea if that’s what made the difference.