Been a tough week or so

And now with the clock changes I’m totally dead.
So sorry for not being very active on here.

Kinda feeling down so not been feeling like I can contribute much and on top of that I still can’t get my sofi stick to pair.

I’ve been doing the unpaired journalling but noticed today that my amount of days hasn’t I’ve journaled for hasn’t gone up I don’t think :man_facepalming:

I’m probably doing something wrong, I’ve not been in the right frame of mind for much and my internet has been permanently in the 90s with how bad it’s been.

So sorry for letting the team down with this issue. But I’m not giving up on it. I’m gonna keep trying to pair each day and gonna keep trying to journal each day.
Hopefully my app and internet catch up :man_shrugging:

Hope everyone has a great week.


Hey Karl sorry to hear ( read ) youve had a tough week, hopefully things look brighter soon enough, just try not to stress about the pairing, and make sure you take care of yourself and try to get some sleep :slight_smile: if you need a chat I’m always about :slight_smile:


Thanks. That actually means a lot


Nothing to apologise for Karl - you are an amazing Pioneer whom we are very grateful to have :slight_smile:

My fingers are crossed for a better week ahead for you, we are all rooting for you here! And please let me know if there’s anything we can do to support on the technical side. :love_letter:


Hey Karl we all feel like that some times . I haven’t shared much lately as just didn’t have much to say . So don’t think your the only one :relaxed::relaxed: it’s lovely weather here hopefully where you are go outside and enjoy the sun :sunny: and spring before the weather turns :heart:


You sound really low. Sorry to hear that. I am sure you will get the issues sorted out and will feel more upbeat soon. Take csre. We all care about you.


Stay strong @lrakarid, I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling at the moment.

If you can, I’d suggest keeping up with the sprays without worrying too much about it recording it correctly. Getting some more z’s is much more important in this case. :hugs:


You know the tough weeks are there so we love it when it’s easy going. You are a major part of our community here and a huge source of strength and motivation for the sofi team as well as the Pioneers so we’ll love you all same if you don’t mind - whether you are having an easy or a tough week. Take care of yourself! :pray:


With Now TV and Sky and BT being down yet again today or spotty it is definitely a struggle here in England.I have covid and unfortunately not had tv and going nuts.My pod rarely paired last two days but chanfed battery and Voila!!paired!!i know youll feel better,chin up,we gpt this😘


Thank you everyone. It really means a lot to have such kind words.


I’m glad it’s not just me this week! Over the last few weeks my sleep has improved greatly with sofi and as you said, the Bluetooth pairing can be temperamental and not record true readings.

My anxiety levels were horrendous this week and I felt like I’d been hit by a bus as sleep reverted back to the old days :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:. But I’m being positive so sending you some positivity Karl


It’s horrible when you feel like you have taken a step back. Just need to keep pushing forwards.
I’m sure we will both get through it soon.

My sleep has been amazing since I started using sofi. Apart from the last 2 nights but I think that’s just been super high stress.
Sending good vibes your way!


Talking about anxiety, I’m quite bad when it comes to eating in front of people so don’t normally do meals out etc but I managed to eat a three course meal yesterday at a work do, and i was the first person to be dancing around aswell 🫣🫣🤣


I have eating with anyone who isn’t family needless to say I don’t eat out


I feel your pain dude :slight_smile: hope you’re having a great weekend !


I hope things get better for you real soon


I completely feel you @lrakarid its been rough my end to can never seem to get a break nor time to calm down/destress iv no energy no motivation no nothing at all like my get up and go has got up and left on me… this pass 4years :cry::broken_heart: definitely most days r worse than others and definitely feel like there getting worse… Just try and remember your not on your own… I find it hard to keep remembering most times… We r all here for u all #BeautifulSofiFamily :heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::purple_heart::blue_heart::heart: