@alexwalkerjones @Kaveh Hi Hope your both well As i can’t pair my stick can I start to use it as a spray as i would if it was paired??
I wasn’t sure if I could do this as you won’t get the data/details, I’ll do what ever you want me to do !! Xxx:heart:
Makes me laugh when it says older woman
Hi @mandy.lodge91! Thank you so much for your question
We will shortly be releasing a “sofi survival guide” with a far more detailed walkthrough of sofi app and sofi stick set-up, so fingers crossed we can finally get you paired! If you are still having no luck, I’d love to arrange a zoom on a laptop or desktop so that we can support and better understand exactly what might be preventing the pair!
The simple answer is that the data and bluetooth connection is crucial to understanding the relationship between your sleep or mood and your spraying activity with the plants. We’ll do everything we can to support pairing asap
@alexwalkerjones …Good morning Alex
Thank you for your email.
Yes im free today for a Zoom call that would be fabbytastic.
Whatever is best for you on time wise .
Thank you
Best wishes
Mandy xx
Wonderful @mandy.lodge91!
How’s 4pm GMT for you today? I’ll DM a zoom link shortly if that works
Speak soon!
@alexwalkerjones That would good for me to!
Thank you Alex xx