Bluetooth issues with new Valerian

Sorry to start a new thread but i am having trouble finding the most relevant one.
I managed to pair my stick and change the plant from Passiflora to Valerian, but tonight (not even one minutes sleep but that’s because some external events are really stressing me out and I can’t shut my brain off!)
Anyway, the stick was not paired again - no blue light and my spray count had gone back to 70. I logged out and then logged in again in hopes that would help, reconnected via bluetooth and it asked me to change my plant for the second time. That seems to have worked for now but the blue light has gone again (I have a new battery installed). I can’t remember if it should show when spraying ( it isnt).
Every time I ask it to pair under bluetooth it says I need an app and I am asked to put in the pin 0000 or 1234 which I have done repeatedly but it doesn’t stay connected. I had no problem with the S2 programme until the battery went so i moved to manual sprays. I’m on app 2.7.10.
Is there an issue at the moment? If so i can just use the manual spray count i suppose.
Any idea from the techy folk if I should do something I’m not doing?
Thank you for any advice :orange_heart:


Similar experiences here. I struggled to pair stick to new valerian refills. Put new battery in and that seemed to sort it - for 2 days - but tonight it will not pair again. Using manual spray button to record sprays.


Hi @drmudlark, just tagging @Kirill here also.

I don’t believe there should be any issue with bluetooth pairing, although yesterday and the day prior you may have experienced some jumping between passiflora and valerian as our team worked to move some things around behind the scenes of the app.

You’re definitely going to want to pair your sofi stick within the sofi app as opposed to via settings where you’ll be as for a (nonexistent) pin. And the blue light should appear initially when the stick first pairs, switching to green when you spray. This can be hard to see (at least for me, I never see it while I spray), but a quick check can be done by removing the top cap of your sofi stick, taking out the green sofi electronic “brain” and pressing that teeny tiny button underneath the brain.

If the green light shows, then your battery is working A-okay, and we can establish that’s not the issue. :seedling: :sparkles:


Thankyou Alex, i think perhaps it was the tinkering behind the scenes during the last 2 days that you mentioned. It does seem to be working now (i just wasted one spray to check … not exactly a room freshener is it?!! :grin:).
Knowing that it has to be paired through the app and not via my bluetooth settings is helpful.
If something similar happens again i will wait an extra day to see if it works itself out.
Hopefully @dcm.leeds (above, who noted similar problems) will have found that it is now resolved.


Glad yours is fixed and working properly. Sadly mine still not working. Spray counter has gone back to 0 and stick not pairing despite new battery. I will just start again with manual sprays. I set it originally for pod 2 and it has now gone to pod 3 on its own and won’t change back. All gone to pot! Never mind.


Hi @dcm.leeds, thank so much for your tenacity in recording those manual sprays. We have indeed been tinkering behind the scenes all this past week, so I will pass this onto @Kirill and see what we can do. Does your sofi brain show a green light when removed from the sofi stick (by pressing the tiny button underneath)?



Just checked. No. It doesn’t. The battery was put in a couple of days ago and it was showing green then. It must have only lasted two days which cannot be right. How long is a battery meant to last. I got through 3 on passiflora. This would be 3rd on 1st pod of valerian. Wow. Lot of batteries. I have now run out and away for a few days so will keep manually logging for now.



Hi @dcm.leeds, I suppose that is good news in that it seems to be a battery issue as opposed to something wrong with your sofi stick, however a battery should certainly last more than 2 days! Hopefully it was a one off, as they are usually good for 10-12 days, and hence about 3 total are needed per study/program.

We are so looking forward to rechargeable batteries moving forward! :pray: :star_struck: