So my stick turns green asif working without spray - connected to phone and then sofi TELLS me no spray present - the minute i put the spray in, gone is green light and the connection
Got new batteries and all…
Evening @natascha_mani and adding @alexwalkerjones in here so we can support you through the process. We have almost seen most of the niggling issues with the S1 build by now and put them in a bit of a survival guide which is available here in case in the meantime you can solve it. But will be with you shortly to see how we can support you to get sprays captured by sofi. Thx for your patience as always xx
Hi @natascha_mani! Thanks so much for letting us know - I have opened a case with the tech team to determine whether this is likely bluetooth related, or mechanical / magnetic.
Could you test whether or not the pods pair to the sofi app while outside of the sofi stick for me please? You can do this by removing the sofi brain and simply placing it atop each of the pod (adjusting slightly until the app registers the pod).
If there’s no luck, at least we can rule out the pod orientation or the stick as being the reason for the failed pair. Hope to have more information on this soon and will get back to you ASAP.
Ok… blue light on when the spray is not in - and app TELLS me : no stick
Then stick in … NOTHING … no blue light… does not connect
It was working fine … now not …
Hi @natascha_mani, apologies for the follow-up questions in advance, I just want to make sure I understand the issue correctly so I can relay it right!
When the blue light comes on, does the sofi stick successfully pair to the app? In other words, does the message “sofi stick not connected” along the bottom of the screen go away?
Next, when you insert a pod into the sofi stick, does the app drop the pair (i.e. the “sofi stick not connected” message reappears?) or is the problem that the pod (valerian n.03, for example) just doesn’t show up?
It might be worth jumping on a zoom via laptop so you can show me first hand! And thankfully we are launching the app update very soon so fingers crossed there is a chance this will be miraculously fixed!
So sorry i have not replied … or did i?
No does NOT pair to my phone - BUT phone DOES tell me no spray
It is only blue when the spray is out
Once inserted again then gone is the blue light
New batteries… me thinks i may have a fault
I am working with a dementia demanding patient and have literally no time
Thanks @natascha_mani, and I understand regarding completely regarding your schedule! We’ll do what we can to troubleshoot here
I’m wondering if the most recent update of the app could be causing some pairing issues. Could you confirm by visit the Google Play store that you are on the latest version? If not, you should find an “update” button there. Then I would suggest logging out and logging back in. I believe @dcm.leeds and @chris.king5 were having a similar problem (also attaching that thread here: Sofi app | calm journal - #3 by dcm.leeds).
Fingers crossed that’s works! Love to know how you get on
Oh oops… so now i uninstalled and then re-installed

Now cant get in at all… have tried to redo password … nope still no joy

Yes. I agree. Needed to uninstall and upload newer version. Now fine
Did you recover your password @natascha_mani ? Adding in @alexwalkerjones in case you’re still struggling with access
Yes i have … for a 2nd time
And how is it going now @natascha_mani ?
Cant find the stick at all! Have asked other carers to look for it! Its GONE
Uh oh … I am sure it will show up! It’s an unusual thing to take as it is a little useless without its bottles and all … adding @alexwalkerjones here and keep us in the loop. There may be a way you can continue to journal your use of sofi plants as your stick is found and we can walk you through that