Can’t end my study?

Why can’t I end my study using the compass icon after using up all my pods?? Please help. I get a red box that says connection error and cannot be done even tho I’m connected?


Scroll down to the bottom and there should be something for you to press to end it


I did that and it won’t work :confused:


I get this message when I select “end study” and then I elected that all my pods are empty because they are. I don’t know what to do next???

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Hi rob, i had the same problem some weeks ago, and tried many times but it did eventually work.
Unfortunately i can’t remember exactly what i did (no help is it? :upside_down_face:) but it could have been something like swiping the app off my page or switching my phone off and on again (i rarely switch it off).

Maybe @alexwalkerjones can help here.


Tagging @Kirill in here too


Hi @rob_lynch3 - thanks so much for posting this. I’ve flagged it with our team and it should be fixed very soon.

Thankfully it’s non critical so feel free to remain where you are for now :slight_smile:


I still can’t complete my study. I’m
Concerned I won’t get credit for completing the study even though I did because of this. Every day since, I’ve tried to complete the study and the same message appears saying “could not end study please check your connection and try again”

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Hi @rob_lynch3 - I’ve gone ahead and marked your study as complete, so please don’t worry! Your participation throughout has been noted and I expect you’ll receive next steps soon from our fragrance partners for the study :pray: :sofi_moon:

Okay thank you so much! I really appreciate it!