FAQs: on app

1. what is the purpose of daily journaling?

By journaling each day in the app, sofi will begin to learn intelligently from your routine. The more you teach sofi about you - the more accurately your unique response to each of the plant can be mapped.

The key is to establish a daily journaling routine within the app and to try to stick to it as closely as you can. We recommend journaling as part of your morning ritual, and more frequently, if you like.

Once your Starter Pack (containing your sofi pod and plant formulations) has arrived, sofi will compare how you journal while taking the plant, to how you journaled before, updating her insights on your unique experience with every formulation press.

It takes roughly 10 days of spraying and journaling in order for sofi to begin generating your results.

The more sofi can learn about you before your journey with each plant begins, the more confident in her discoveries she’ll be! To give sofi the best opportunity to understand your current sleep and mood, begin by downloading your sofi app and completing your journal for today:

Download the sofi app for Android
Download the sofi app for iOS

PS: It turns out that journaling has benefits all on its own, too! Learn more about the role of journaling as an overall wellness tool on the sofi.health blog by clicking here.