FAQs: on app

3. how do I edit my in-app notifications settings?

Journalling and spraying notifications are automatically enabled for all Pioneers. You can alter your notification settings anytime by going to profile (:bust_in_silhouette:) → notification settings (:bell:) → and opting to toggle journaling and/or spraying notifications on or off.

You may find that you prefer one over the other (for example if you are more prone to forgetting to journal versus forgetting to spray - or vice versa). Our notification sending schedule is below for those interested in the logic we are using.

Feedback always welcomed as these notifications are there to serve you!

Before any formulations are in use:

  • Journal notification 9:30 AM, if you haven’t already journaled that morning

Once a formulation is recognised by the sofi pod:

  • Journal notification 9:30 AM, if you haven’t already journaled that morning
  • Journal notification 8:00 PM, if you haven’t already journaled that evening
  • Spray notification at 10pm if you haven’t sprayed throughout the evening