FAQs: on app

7. how can I report a bug with the app?

App improvement is a continuous process, and one that will always be based on your feedback as a sofi Pioneer. There will likely be many more features that we will release over the coming months and years, so when you suspect something is off (e.g. a button appears to be stuck or blocked on your app screen) or you have a suggestion for a feature - please let us know using the guide below!

We’ll always do our best to address every comment.

Bug reporting

If you happen to find a bug in the app, or the website, it would be enormously helpful for us to know the following:

  • Reproduction steps: In other words, what steps do we need to take to see the same thing happen?
  • Screenshots: Any screenshots you can provide will really help tell the story.
  • Videos: Sometimes it’s even better if you create a little video to show exactly what’s going on.
  • Phone make/model and software version: For app based bugs, this is probably the most important information for us. There are so many makes and models out there that it really helps narrow down the issue if we know which users are affected.
  • Website bugs: If you could let us know which browser you are using (as well as the version), that again really helps us narrow down the problem.

Of course, if you need any help with the above, please do not hesitate to reach out and we’ll be more than happy to jump in and help out where we can.

To contact us with an issue, you can tag a member of our team in the sofi treehouse (@Kirill or @alexwalkerjones), or reach us directly via the sofi app by tapping the sofi moon in the top left corner of your screen.

Thank you for your troubleshooting support in advance!

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