Just wondering, mental health

I have suffered for a long time with my mental health, I feel desolate, suicidal and anxious a lot. I hoped Sofi plants might help.

Has anyone found a plant that helps?

So far I haven’t found one that helps but I am hopeful for new plants :crossed_fingers:

Has Sofi done any research into Depression and plants?
@alexwalkerjones @pamelaspence


Hi Sammy,

Thanks for sharing your situation with us. There is a lot of research into herbs and depression out there but it is not something that sofi has done up to now. We are looking specifically at how plants affect sleep and anxiety.

Herbs used to calm anxiety can be part of a package of helping with mental health, but with more serious feelings around islation and especially suicide it is important not to rely on plant medicines alone to keep you safe.

We hope that sofi might be able to support your mental health alongside your main treatment. :herb:


Hi Sammy, so sorry to hear about how you struggle with the dreaded mental health. You describe many of the feelings I have been through. I just wanted so say my experience of taking the sofi spray has made a massive difference to me. Helping your sleep is a massive healing tool for improving mental health. Please keep with the Sofi spray and have faith in yourself… wishing you a hopeful route to feeling better. Mick


Thank you @Mick1 Your reply means a lot to me. I am sorry you have felt the way I do but I am very happy that Sofi is working for you :blush: I am persevering with Sofi and am very hopeful that one of the plants is my key to feeling better.
Thank you x


Hi Sammy. My reply is not very timely, however you are likely still struggling with these issues, as healing tends to be a lifelong process for most people. I just want you to know that you are not alone in your struggles or your thoughts. Sadly, the more people I talk to, who let down their guard, the more I hear about these types of feelings. We just never know for sure what someone is going through on the inside, despite looking all okay on the outside. The comedian Robin Williams is a very good example of this. I have read some studies comparing the benefits of lavender essential oil to antidepressants for certain types of depression. I do find that Bach flower remedies help me when I am especially down and since the death of my cat last month, I am taking some of them regularly. I also gave them to my pets. They are drops that you can add to water or take directly. I also take many homeopathic remedies in my search for good health and sleep. There are a couple that are continuously mentioned for suicidal thoughts, so I am going to to paste them here, in case you are interested in looking into them, or finding a good homeopath.

  1. Aurum Met – When there are Suicidal thoughts
    Homeopathic medicine Aurum Met is effective in depression major when there is great loathing of life and there are thoughts of Suicide. Along with this there are classical signs of depression in the patient.

  2. Natrum Sulph – For Persistent Suicidal Thoughts
    Natrum Sulph is an important medicine for the treatment of major depression where psychotic symptoms of suicidal thoughts are in a greater magnitude, where the patient has to be physically refrained from committing such an act.

As Mick said, sleep is important to mood and depression. As Alex indicated, there are connections between plants and mood, but you probably need to take other steps to keep yourself safe. I hope that you are looking into hotlines or support groups to help you manage when things get very bad. Sometimes in life we can feel very alone, and even be very alone, but usually when you want help, it comes in some form or another if we are open to it.

I in no way want to come across as lecturing you, but I do want you to feel supported and not alone.
Keep searching for things that help you, even in small ways and take it one day and one step at a time.


Hi Sammy I know this is a while after your post but hope all is ok.
I have a picture on my phone that I look at to “ground” myself when things are not going so well
I had hoped to include that picture on here for you but sadly my technical ability can only be classed as incompetent Keep thinking positive thoughts



A lot of us will relate to this.

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Nice one Caroline, the one on my phone says…
Today hang in there,
hold on and be strong,
keep going,
you can get through this :heart:
Does anyone else have quote that inspires and helps them, when things get tough?

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