I’m not sure if this photo upload worked but I am so so excited!! Drinking a strong cup of coffee and admiring my adorable sofi surprise!! Thank you so much guys!! I’m honoured to be part of this with each and every one of you Happy Saturday you beautiful things you xx
That’s brilliant just gonna tag @alexwalkerjones
Also glad to have you on this journey with us
Gorgeous @jessicathomasflint1! Your Pioneer Box is reserved and will very shortly be on its way to you!
So glad you loved the surprise x
Thank you kindly! As always
@Aaron and @alexwalkerjones you guys are so kind. THANK YOU!!! Noone in this world could have been more happy to open an envelope and find that pebble!! #talking-sofi-were-in-this-together
It’s amazing to have you here with us Jessica … we have worked hard to try to understand what makes plants so interesting and how they work for some and differently for others … and now we understand that the missing link to making sense of this mystery has been and will always be you … we are all Pioneers in this journey so welcome on board
Thank you @Kaveh. It’s a truly wonderful opportunity …and a chance to experience the beautiful healing that nature has long offered
I think we are most likely kindred spirits on this @jessicathomasflint1 … we very much view plants as our oldest technology in human health … we certainly share a common history in that flowering plants are just as old as mammals … and by latest estimation our total knowledge is about 1 percent of plants yet half of our modern medicine and much of our traditional medicine stems from the Earth. So the idea that we have yet many discoveries ahead in reconnecting people and plants is probably not terribly controversial statement to make …
The future of medicine could reflect a far more wholesome landscape if we could work harmoniously with the Earth for sure
… and also to look at our incredible heritage and cultures of which @MJB is our sofi expert … he is an ethnobotanist… something I didn’t know existed before I started working on sofi … but someone who studies plants, people and culture … he said something interesting in one of his chats I was watching in that the ethnosphere - the diverse cultures we have across the world is as much in threat of extinction as is our biosphere … there are many tradition that perhaps we didn’t really appreciate from scientific cause and effect at the time but certainly now are just beginning to find the tools to begin to unlock …. Another person on this journey with us is @stephendahmermd … and he is awesome … he is a classically trained physician who strongly believes in the power of some of our traditional approaches where we had a different respect for our bodies and our ability to heal harmoniously with nature … we strongly believe and share you vision @jessicathomasflint1 xx