Meeting you, meeting me!

Hi everyone and welcome to our treehouse— allow me to introduce myself! My name is Alex and I’m one of the team members here at sofi.

My role mostly has to do with all things content and copy, from writing the research articles you can find on our blog, to handling the sofi social media pages, and everything in between.

At heart I’m a bit of a nutrition nerd and a total foodie and so, naturally, advocating for the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle is what I know best.

As our awesome community continues to grow, you can likely find me sharing random bits of information on the topics I’m researching at the time, experimenting with all your plant-remedy suggestions, and commenting in the middle of the night with far too much enthusiasm for a person who should be fast asleep.

I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us, and look forward to meeting you all.

Bring on the plants! :cherry_blossom::sunflower::herb::star_struck: :two_hearts:


Thanks for all your wisdom, fellow nerd! I’m really enjoying learning here and look forward to learning more from you :nerd_face::shamrock::mushroom::seedling::sun_with_face:


Hi, I’m claire a non sleeper, 43 years old. Mummy yo a gorgeous young lady. In the tree house you will find me being the sympathetic one offering advice, empathy and an ear to listen.


So incredibly grateful to have your love, wisdom and empathy here @makayclaire z. Thank you! :pray:


Its great to be here, thank you and you are most welcome :blush: