My pioneer pack on its way

It says my pioneer pack is on its way, but it was been saying that a, while now. I’m struggling to sleep so much its affecting my work now. Can you advise when it will arrive. It’s my last hope to get some sleep.


Hi @ZombieQueen! Thanks for your post :slight_smile:
I can confirm that your Pioneer Pack has been successfully reserved under your name for shipment in the next available production wave.

We had to push production times due to overwhelming numbers of Pioneer sign-ups as well as changes to our Pioneer Program (including the launch of paid sofi subscriptions), which are explained in detail for you just here.

We are super grateful for your patience with us, and we truly can’t wait to get some formulations into your hands.

If you decide that you can’t wait until December, of course, you can find more information about pre-ordering your sofi pod for early-bird, limited edition shipment here: Sofi | from third-generation to go-to-market

Please let me know if you have any further questions and fingers crossed we can find the plants that work for you! x