Nothing received

Hi, ive done the pebble security thing but 5x weeks later, nothing received. Still waiting. How do i make contact?


Hi, and welcome to the treehouse.

You are making contact by posting in here, but …

You will receive the pod and mouth sprays when the next batch for the trial is processed and ready to go out. You may need to be a little patient but it wont take as long as it did for some of the early pioneers. :slightly_smiling_face:

Progress on the next lot of sprays will be updated by the Sofi team in here.

The only thing you may need to do is just check your progress under the compass icon at the bottom of the app - just to make sure that there are no other steps that you need to complete.

I can recomnend that you take some time to read in the Treehouse, e.g. the Treehouse Index, where you will find information about the sprays, the pebbles, the aims of sofi and all sorts of things that Pioneers helping these trials are likely to find of interest.

You can also search for commonly asked questions here in the treehouse such as how long before you get the product etc.