Thank you 
I’m really enjoying the trial so far. I’m in a really stressful situation right now so it’s hard to relax but I’ve found the ashwagandha helpful.
My favourite is the yellow one but I didn’t mind the others. I loved the yellow one though. It’s a really pleasant taste
I’m looking forward to trying the passiflora. I’ve still got most of the 3rd ashwagandha pod to do first (I assume I finish this before trying the passiflora?).
Yes please @Purplepink! this way sofi can view each of your experiences with the two plants as distinct journey, hopefully to find which one (and when) suits you best!
So glad that ashwagandha had a positive effect on you and bring on the discoveries with passiflora next

Thanks so much for letting me be part of the Sofi journey. I was interested in ashwagandha before I joined Sofi and I’m glad I’ve had the chances to try it. I’m think it’s helped with my sleep and I definitely feel more relaxed after my sprays. Even if I can’t get myself to sleep straight away I feel calmer
I’d been looking into ashwagandha before I joined Sofi but I’d not heard much about passiflora before. I’m looking forward to finding out more about it and trying it out