Hi @Stever007 - thanks for your post and question. Please rest assured that you haven’t been forgotten about!
We have a strict #no-pioneer-left-behind policy, and you can learn more about the changes to our Pioneer Studies (including what happens for those with a free Starter Pack already reserved) and read the full update by clicking below:
No pioneer left behind
As many of you know, interest and participation in sofi over the past few months has increased drastically - which we couldn’t be more excited and grateful about! With this, however, comes an inevitable queue of patient Pioneers waiting for their first Starter Packs to arrive: We see, we thank you, and our promise remains true that no Pioneer will be left behind.
For those with Starter/Pioneer Packs already reserved, you’ll remain in our system and, following our second wave of production in December, (where we’ll have the option to quadruple the number of pods we can produce!), your Starter Pack will be shipped to you so that your journey can begin.
We know that further delays are far from ideal, and if there is any possible way for us to speed things up in the meantime - we commit to it.
(PS This includes anyone currently “baselining” or waiting to verify their address with a sofi surprise. Once reserved, and so long as you wish to remain active, we’ll honour the free shipment of your Pioneer Pack following our December production wave).
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